Father in heaven, Scripture informs us that we are in a wrestling match, not the blood and flesh kind but a spiritual wrestling match where our opponent is determined to capture and destroy our soul and our very lives, if possible. The apostle Paul writes that our opponents are wicked spirits in high places working in conjunction with the rulers of this world's darkness. Though Jesus came as a light to those walking in darkness so many have chosen the darkness over the light. My spirit asks, why do people choose darkness over light? Because the powerful king of evil, Satan himself, is behind all human weakness and wrongdoing. The nations rage and peace is unachievable within our own hearts when we turn away from the light of the gospel and look to the world's empty way of life-destroying answers for that which ails our sin sick soul. It's no wonder the nations rage and are out to destroy one another, for when we are not at peace with the King of kings and Lord of l...