
Showing posts from September, 2016

A Prayer Of Thanks For Amazing Grace

Father, Your abundant grace is poured out on humankind like showers of blessings, both for believer and unbeliever alike. Yet it is only as we appropriate Your saving grace that we turn away from evil and walk in the ways of righteousness. Many leaders and rulers have come and gone, but You, Father, are the eternal One whose kingdom knows no end. We humble ourselves in the light of Your majesty as we bring honor to Your holy name and live as a people who are eager to do what is good. Amen.


Father in heaven, Scripture informs us that we are in a wrestling match, not the blood and flesh kind but a spiritual wrestling match where our opponent is determined to capture and destroy our soul and our very lives, if possible. The apostle Paul writes that our opponents are wicked spirits in high places working in conjunction with the rulers of this world's darkness. Though Jesus came as a light to those walking in darkness so many have chosen the darkness over the light. My spirit asks, why do people choose darkness over light? Because the powerful king of evil, Satan himself, is behind all human weakness and wrongdoing. The nations rage and peace is unachievable within our own hearts when we turn away from the light of the gospel and look to the world's empty way of life-destroying answers for that which ails our sin sick soul. It's no wonder the nations rage and are out to destroy one another, for when we are not at peace with the King of kings and Lord of l...

“A Prayer For Godly Use Of Our Hands”

Father, we make it our ambition to lead a quiet life,  to mind our own business and to work with our hands,  just as Scripture tells us.  In doing so we provide for our families  and tenderly hold them, protecting them from harm's way.  We seek not only to win our family's respect  but also respect from outsiders who observe our Christian conduct.  May the things we do with our hands  and the ways we show love in our actions  truly honor You and be a witness to others  in the name of Jesus we pray.  Amen.

A Prayer For Remaining Faithful In Our Impact

Father, we thank you for the diligence and passion of faithful missionaries, pastors, evangelists, song writers and others who are in the trenches of impacting lives destroyed by the devil's vices. Sometimes we feel our impact on others is so insignificant in comparison to the Billy Grahams but you've called us to make a difference in our circle of influence where You strategically placed us. We're reminded by Scripture today that You will be the One who evaluates our effectiveness. It is not the visible fruit of our labors that determines the validity of our calling, but it is obedience to Your Word that helps us to continue in the work You've called us to do. Help us to be faithful!


Father of all nations, we're grateful that, as believers, our citizenship is primarily in heaven and we share this glorious citizenship with our brothers and sisters all over the world. We want to remember You foremost in the midst of our prosperity and seek to keep Your commandments. We pray for a massive worldwide revival where people will humble themselves, seek Your face, pray and turn from their wicked ways so that we will hear from Heaven and You will heal our sin sick land. Until that hour we will remain faithful and unwavering in our commitment to follow Your Word while we eagerly await our Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ, in whose name we pray. Amen.