
Showing posts from 2016


I can say this, that the authority you have can either be used to empower GOD for him to bless you, or to empower the devil for him to destroy you. GOD pronounced authority to man ever before he created man. It's time we know our enemy and understand what empowers him to cause havoc even in our lives. I know some would say all I need to know is about GOD, I don’t need to know anything about Satan. But how can we say we have authority over an enemy that we don’t even know? Even Paul said: 2 Corinthians 2:11 Lest Satan should get an advantage of us: for we are not ignorant of his devices. (KJV)  Now permit me to start with the question, who made the anointed cherub? Actually GOD made the anointed cherub. He was an arch angel created by GOD Ezekiel 28:12-13 12  Son of man, take up a lamentation upon the king of Tyrus, and say unto him, Thus saith the Lord GOD; Thou sealest up the sum, full of wisdom, and perfect in beauty.   13  Thou hast been in...


Father, we want to bless you for the priviledge of living to see this new month. We want to follow Christ’s example who made Himself nothing, taking on the very nature of a servant. He reached out to the rich, the poor, the powerful and powerless, the young and old, the weak and strong. Though their needs varied that could only be met through Christ each of them needed a relationship with You, our Father, and that is true of every generation no matter our ethnicity, our wealth or lack thereof, our educational background or any other factor. We have opportunity to impact people from all walks of life so we ask You to guide us to them as we give ourselves in ministry and service to others who desire to follow Christ. It is in His name that we pray. Amen. HAPPY NEW MONTH GOD BLESS YOUR HEART...


Father, from Your mercy seat You dispense goodness that endures to all generations. As with previous generations, ours is undeserving of Your abundant goodness that supplies our needs and enriches our lives. The paintbrush of Your handiwork brings vibrant color into view whether we are looking up or down, whether from the north or south, east or west. We rejoice in Your enduring goodness that is evidence of Your incomparable love to all of Your creation. You are good all the time, and, Lord, all the time You are good! Amen.

A Prayer Of Thanks For Amazing Grace

Father, Your abundant grace is poured out on humankind like showers of blessings, both for believer and unbeliever alike. Yet it is only as we appropriate Your saving grace that we turn away from evil and walk in the ways of righteousness. Many leaders and rulers have come and gone, but You, Father, are the eternal One whose kingdom knows no end. We humble ourselves in the light of Your majesty as we bring honor to Your holy name and live as a people who are eager to do what is good. Amen.


Father in heaven, Scripture informs us that we are in a wrestling match, not the blood and flesh kind but a spiritual wrestling match where our opponent is determined to capture and destroy our soul and our very lives, if possible. The apostle Paul writes that our opponents are wicked spirits in high places working in conjunction with the rulers of this world's darkness. Though Jesus came as a light to those walking in darkness so many have chosen the darkness over the light. My spirit asks, why do people choose darkness over light? Because the powerful king of evil, Satan himself, is behind all human weakness and wrongdoing. The nations rage and peace is unachievable within our own hearts when we turn away from the light of the gospel and look to the world's empty way of life-destroying answers for that which ails our sin sick soul. It's no wonder the nations rage and are out to destroy one another, for when we are not at peace with the King of kings and Lord of l...

“A Prayer For Godly Use Of Our Hands”

Father, we make it our ambition to lead a quiet life,  to mind our own business and to work with our hands,  just as Scripture tells us.  In doing so we provide for our families  and tenderly hold them, protecting them from harm's way.  We seek not only to win our family's respect  but also respect from outsiders who observe our Christian conduct.  May the things we do with our hands  and the ways we show love in our actions  truly honor You and be a witness to others  in the name of Jesus we pray.  Amen.

A Prayer For Remaining Faithful In Our Impact

Father, we thank you for the diligence and passion of faithful missionaries, pastors, evangelists, song writers and others who are in the trenches of impacting lives destroyed by the devil's vices. Sometimes we feel our impact on others is so insignificant in comparison to the Billy Grahams but you've called us to make a difference in our circle of influence where You strategically placed us. We're reminded by Scripture today that You will be the One who evaluates our effectiveness. It is not the visible fruit of our labors that determines the validity of our calling, but it is obedience to Your Word that helps us to continue in the work You've called us to do. Help us to be faithful!


Father of all nations, we're grateful that, as believers, our citizenship is primarily in heaven and we share this glorious citizenship with our brothers and sisters all over the world. We want to remember You foremost in the midst of our prosperity and seek to keep Your commandments. We pray for a massive worldwide revival where people will humble themselves, seek Your face, pray and turn from their wicked ways so that we will hear from Heaven and You will heal our sin sick land. Until that hour we will remain faithful and unwavering in our commitment to follow Your Word while we eagerly await our Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ, in whose name we pray. Amen.


Father, help us to walk faithfully with You day by day. Though there are daily temptations and recurrent distractions that seek our heart's affection even as we wait upon You to respond to our supplication. Help us not to be restless in our complaint but to rest in confidence that you are working on our behalf. Help us not to lunge ahead of Your unfolding plan for that which concerns us. We also want to heed Your prompting when You nudge us to move keeping in step with the Spirit's prompting.  Amen.


Father, how glorious it is to enjoy the many freedoms provided to us in our homeland of the brave and the free. We're also mindful and grateful for our freedom from sin, thanks to the sacrifice of Your Son on our behalf. Our lives, once enslaved to sin, can now enjoy freedom from that which once held us captive to Satan's bondage. We live in victory because You have set us free and we are now free indeed. Thank You, Father, for delivering us from the dominion of darkness and transferring us into the kingdom of Your Son in whom we have redemption, the forgiveness of sin!  Amen. Christ provides: 1) Freedom from the bondage of sin (Romans 6:18). 2) Freedom from guilt and shame (Colossians 1:21-23). 3) Freedom from fear of death (Hebrews 2:15).


Father, when we try to work out circumstances with our finite human wisdom we lose sight of Your supernatural power that brings all things into conformity in Your appointed time and in Your sovereign ways. Whether our difficulties are of our own making or through no fault of our own, it is always Your desire to come alongside us and help bear our burdens. So we do well to cast all our cares upon You because You care for us. Help us to trust You, Your ways and Your timing for all that concerns our hearts this day.  Amen.


The Bible states in Genesis 1vs1 that " IN THE   BEGINNING GOD  created the heaven and the earth."[emphasis added]. This is a skeletal framework of how the world was created. The Supreme Being with no background was responsible for creating the Heavens and the Earth. This literally entails that there could have been no beginning without God. In the Epistle of Paul the Apostle to the Hebrews [ch1 vs10], he stated that "the foundations of the Earth was laid by God, and that the Heavens are the works of His hands" [paraphrased]. The Psalmist also lay claim to this testimony in Psalm 102vs25, and the book of Revelation [ch10vs6] also confirmed this fact. Beyond this wonderful event that ever took place, it will be wise to appropriate this to our lives as pilgrims here on earth. It is not just enough to have an awareness of the event of creation, but in our daily endeavors, striving and activities, do we actually and deliberately place God  IN THE BEGINNING  of it all...


Father, thank You for the physical instruments You supply when You created us. We have mouths to speak, ears to hear, eyes to see, feet to walk, and hands to work. We dedicate our lives to You and to Your service, whether it is related to evangelism and the church or whether it is the work we do in places of employment or in our community. May the work of our hands be sweet in Your sight, worthy of honor, and a blessing to others so that we all pitch in to make this world a better place to live, until we reach our eternal abode where sin will not be present nor will there be any more sorrow or sadness. And it’s all because of Jesus in whose name we pray. Amen.